All about your studies
Public course catalog & registration for courses
Our course catalogue is available at Please note that some courses may be published only shortly before the beginning of the semester. Therefore, we suggest checking the courses offered in previous semesters to get an overview of the course offer in your study program. Our fact sheet on how to find courses is available here:
Courses marked with "HS" are taking place in fall semester, courses marked with "FS" in spring semester.
Course registration is only possible after you receive your campus account (the campus account is a login used to access a variety of platforms and tools). Exchange students will receive further information on how to register for courses and exams a few weeks before the semester starts.
Language Courses
The Language Center at the University of Bern offers free English and German courses for students.
- German as a Foreign Language (courses offered during the semester)
- English for Academic Purposes
- German and Swiss-German workshops during the introduction week for exchange students*; You can find the course description in KSL/CTS by searching for the following course numbers and titles:
- 493498-FS2025-0-German as a Foreign Language workshop for exchange students (A0/A1)
- 493793-FS2025-0-German as a Foreign Language workshop for exchange students (A2/B1)
- 493794-FS2025-0-German as a Foreign Language workshop for exchange students (B2/C1)
- Swiss German Workshop (not in KSL)
*You will receive more information from us by e-mail before the start of your exchange semester.