Additional documents
In addition to your CV, your application should include other documents relevant to your potential employer and which substantiate the information stated in your CV.
Some of these documents are:
- Study records/reports
- Letters of recommendation/reference
- Diplomas/certificates (if available)
- etc.
Study records/reports
If you do not yet have a final degree or diploma, or if specifically requested, submit a current version of your study profile sheet. Otherwise, submit a copy of your bachelor and/or master degree certificate.
Letters of recommendation/reference
Your job application should also include letters of recommendation/reference from your work experience to date.
Letters of recommendation/reference should contain the following information:
- Your personal data
- Position you held during employment and description of your tasks and duties
- Duration of employment, including start and end date
- Your achievements during employment
- Your conduct during employment
Employees have the right to receive a letter of recommendation/reference, worded in a clear and well-meaning manner. Letters of recommendation/reference are also subject to the principle of truth and must include the information listed above.
If you are unsure as to whether there is unfavorable wording in your letter of recommendation/reference, have it checked. Every employee has the right to request changes to their recommendation/reference letter.
More information on this topic is available (in German)at:
Only include diplomas or certificates in your job application that are relevant to the position you are applying for, such as: language diplomas, computer course certificates or any other further studies or training you have completed.