Funding and Prizes Open Calls


Here you will find open calls for the UniBE funding schemes as well as selected external calls. The external calls were chosen by the Vice-Rectorate Research and Innovation for their broad relevance to University of Bern researchers.

Research funding databases with a comprehensive range of opportunities for different funding needs can be found here.

Highlight – Deadline: 5 May 2025

Funding for various research purposes such as the purchase of equipment, travel and stays abroad, and the publication of research results.

Deadline: 14 January 2025

ERC Consolidator Grant 2025

Up to EUR 2 million for outstanding researchers with 7-12 years of research experience after PhD to lead an innovative project with their own team for 5 years.

Deadline: 15 January 2025

SNSF Starting Grant

Up to CHF 1 million (+ salary) for researchers with 2-8 years of research experience after PhD to lead a project with their own team for 5 years.

Deadline: 20 February 2025

Initiator Grant

Up to CHF 30,000 for early career researchers post PhD to prepare an application for third-party funding.

Deadline: 1 March 2025

UniBE Short Travel Grants for (Post)Docs

Up to CHF 8,000 for PhD students and Postdocs (Early Postdocs, Advanced Postdocs and Senior Research Assistants) to undertake a research stay abroad of 2-8 weeks.

Deadline: 14 January 2025

ERC Consolidator Grant 2025

Up to EUR 2 million for outstanding researchers with 7-12 years of research experience after PhD to lead an innovative project with their own team for 5 years.

Deadline: 22 January 2025

Swiss Network for International Studies 2025

Up to CHF 300,000 for multi- and transdisciplinary international studies with a duration of 2 years.

Deadline: 31 January 2025

MCID Research Funding Call 2024

CHF 500,000 for Teams of at least two researchers from the University of Bern and/or Inselspital with a multidisciplinary project on preventing and mitigating risks from infectious diseases.

Deadline: 2025 (various)

European Partnerships – transnational projects

Projects in the areas of biodiversity, urban transformation, clean energy, secure water supply, transforming healthcare systems, rare diseases, and One Health and antibiotic resistance.

Deadline: continuous, in advance

Seed Money

Up to CHF 10,000 to cover costs arising from the preparation of Horizon Europe collaborative project applications in which the University of Bern plays a substantial role (equivalent to coordination).

Deadline: continuous, in advance

Travel Grant

Up to CHF 1,000 for short trips necessary for the launch or preliminary clarification of European research and education projects. Horizon Europe, COST and EUREKA project applications are eligible, or in special cases other international applications.

Deadline: 30 November 2024

Investment Fund for Cost-Intensive Equipment for Research

Co-financing for the acquisition of equipment worth more than CHF 500,000 that primarily serves a research purpose.

Deadline: 13 December 2024

UniBE Venture Fellowship

CHF 100,000 for young researchers to translate their scientific findings into innovative products and services.