Degree Programs & Courses Bachelor's Degree Programs

Application and Admission with an International High School Leavers‘ Certificate or Degree

To be admitted to study for a bachelor's degree program, you have to fulfill at least one of the following requirements:

  • You have an international university degree from a state or state-recognized university in an academic degree program that lasted at least three years; trainings and further training qualifications (Executive Master) are not recognized.
  • You fulfill the country-specific admission requirements (sections 1 and 4). For some countries, whose school leaving certificate deviates considerably from the Swiss school leaving certificate (Matura), you can only be admitted to the university if you pass the supplementary examination for studying at a Swiss university and, if need be, show proof of having a place at a university.


If German is not your native language, you must provide proof of German language skills to C1 level or equivalent or take a German test at the University of Bern.

Apply online before the specified date and submit the documents required for assessing your admission in paper form.

Special admission requirements for medical degree programs and Sport

You want to study Medicine, Dental Medicine or Veterinary Medicine? Then there are additional admission requirements and earlier application deadlines.