Demand and grade performances
During the course of their studies, students have to submit assignments such as seminar papers, bachelor or master theses. A written exam can be taken using an online tool, thus simplifying the assessment. The assessment toolbox helps to get an overview of different types of exams.
Formative self-tests
With the test tool in ILIAS various self-tests can be created (e.g. to check the level of knowledge). Based on the results and the learning progress it can be determined what level of knowledge the students have - be it as a test of previous knowledge before the course or as preparation for the exam.
ILIAS tests may not be used for legally binding performance assessments
Please use the "Test" tool on ILIAS for exercises or exam preparation only. For legally binding performance assessments with the same (although slightly adapted) tool, please use the iliasEXAM examination platform set up for this purpose. Alternatively, EvaExam is also available for written exams.
For more information on iliasEXAM and EvaExam, see Digital Exams.
Search for contemporary forms of examination (Assessment Toolbox)
The Assessment Toolbox offers the possibility of a structured search for alternative assessment formats. You can filter by number of candidates, type of results, feedback sources and task types and you will get results that most closely match your search.
If you have any questions, please contact the University of Bern's Department of Higher Education Didactics & Teaching Development directly.
Scan exams with EvaExam
EvaExam provides digital support for multiple choice exams. With the web-based system, different question types can be used for a paper-based exams and then be graded automatically.
Digital exams with iliasEXAM
With the web-based examination platform iliasEXAM, exams and performance assessments can be created and conducted digitally - generally in the classroom (see Recommendation regarding exam mode for more detail). Depending on the question types used, the exams can be graded fully or partially automatically.
Plagiarism prevention
PlagScan is used for quality assurance of written papers. You can automatically check papers for independency and originality.
Login via Shibboleth (Campusaccount) at the PlagScan portal of the University of Bern (
more about Plagscan
Easy grade calculation and exam evaluation (Teaching Tool Assessment)
The Teaching Tool Assessment reduces the administrative effort involved in the calculation of grades and examination evaluation. Based on an Excel template, the tool is CTS-compatible. The tool was developed by the department of Higher Education Didactics & Teaching Development with the support of the Vice Rectorate Teaching. The tool works in German and English.
If you have any questions, please contact the University of Bern's Department of Higher Education Didactics & Teaching Development directly.
Enter grades
The lecturers/assistants assign grades and enter these in CTS. The directorate of studies can allow special credits and enter them in CTS. The deans' offices check and transfer the grades in CTS. These grades are now visible to the students in CTS.