Optimal support of the learning process
Feedback is very important for the learning process. Online tools can help to pass on feedback. This allows students to know where they stand and where they may have some catching up to do. Knowing where the students stand and accompanying them in their learning process is part of successful teaching. ILIAS also offers tools to accompany this process.
Provide feedback
ILIAS offers tools to pass on feedback to the students. For example, based on a completed self-test, a submitted document or a completed self-evaluation. A selection:
- With an exercise, tasks and submission of term papers, texts, sketches, etc. can be organized with a feedback function.
- Self-evaluation enables self-assessment of certain competences, clarification of needs or bases for decision-making.
- Self-tests to evaluate previous knowledge, the level of knowledge and for exam preparation can be equipped with feedback functions and thus promote the learning process.
Accompany the process
In ILIAS blogs and own portfolios can be created. With these tools students can document their learning process. Through clearance the lecturers can be given access to these personal documents so that the course coordinators can accompany the learning process of the students. A selection:
- Portfolios can be used as a learning diary to document your own learning process.
- Contributions of any kind, pictures, audio or video documents can be published and commented on in blogs.