Communication & collaboration
Collaborating with others
In student working groups or study groups, study contents can be exchanged and deepened with fellow students outside of a course. Through independent reproduction and explanation as well as critical examination with other students, one's own knowledge is challenged and strengthened.
Virtual exchange of ideas
If you want to exchange files or have information or knowledge on a topic available at a central location to which your working group has access at all times, you will find a number of tools at the University of Bern to help you do so.
Send e-mails
You will receive a personal campus e-mail address upon matriculation. Use this address for all your activities connected with your studies. Official e-mails from the institutes as well as e-mails from ILIAS and KSL will always be sent to this e-mail address.
With the Campus Account you can directly access your e-mails, manage your contacts or keep your own calendar using any common web browser with Outlook Web Access.
Working groups with iTools
Some tools of ILIAS can not only be used for teaching collaboration, this area is called iTools. Here students can create their own working groups with fellow students to write texts and lecture notes together, to create a wiki as a reference guide, to create a forum or to create own Live Votings for a presentation.
Sending large data via SWITCHfilesender
If files are too big to be sent by e-mail, the SWITCHfilesender can help: As an external service, SWITCH offers you the possibility of sending large files of up to 50 GB. This offer is free of charge and runs via the protected SWITCH Cloud. The recipient will then receive an e-mail with the download link. The number of storage periods can be set for up to 20 days. After 20 days, the file will be deleted at the latest.
Only the SWITCHfilesender service is free of charge
Please note that, as a member of the University of Bern, you can use SWITCH filesender free of charge. The cloud service (SWITCHdrive) advertised by SWITCH can NOT be used.
Meet online
Working together without meeting in one place: Whether you want to view your desktop, your work assignments or presentations for a paper at the same time or want to write texts together, here you will find possible tools of the University of Bern.
You can meet online with Zoom or Teams. You can view and discuss your desktop, images, and PowerPoint presentations together. Teams is good for online meetings. Zoom is most suitable for events and meetings. All employees and students of the University of Bern are granted access via their campus account to use a licensed version of Zoom or Teams for simple virtual meetings up to complex web conferences.
Meeting in person
Are you looking for a group room? A quiet reading place? A place to work during the semester? A cafeteria nearby? With the service of the University Library you will find a suitable workplace on the premises of the University of Bern.
Work stations
A group room? A quiet reading place? A semester work station? A cafeteria nearby? With the services of the University Library, you can easily find the place where you can best learn, write, prepare and work.
Individual learning locations
Individual learning locations and learning niches are available in the main building, the UniS, the Unitobler area and the vonRoll area. In addition, free seminar and lecture rooms can be used for studying. These are marked with a pictogram and the note 'individual learning location'.
Computer workstations
The IT Services of the University of Bern maintain and support pool rooms with computer workstations for students at various locations, which are available to students for general work during their studies as part of teaching and research.