Sub-strategy 5: Digital transformation

Strategic objective: The University of Bern enables its members and graduates to harness the digital transformation for their own activities as well as contribute to its implementation.

“People in Digital Transformation” provides a framework and benchmark for this discussion. The University is making use of the opportunities digitalization offers to constantly improve its research, teaching, continuing education and services. It takes an active role in the digital transformation of education and participates in the dialogue between different educational institutions. The University wants to use the digital transformation to operate as efficiently, effectively and sustainably as possible.

Digitalization impacts people and their interactions. It is considered a component of social transformation and encompasses technical, economic, social, ethical, legal and humanistic aspects, among others, of our society. With this in mind, the University seeks to position itself as an academic platform for society and the economy on all issues relating to digitalization. It also aims to reflect critically on the digital transformation by examining the opportunities and risks of digitalization in its research, addressing issues such as security and data protection and developing proposals for responsibly implementing the digital transformation. The corresponding research will be conducted on a mono-, inter- or transdisciplinary basis as required, and the findings will be incorporated into the University’s teaching.

The necessary conditions (structures, processes, products, people, data protection, law, ethics, sustainability and security) must be created in order to put the thematic focus area “People in Digital Transformation” into practice.