Organization Executive Board and Central Administration

Executive Board and Central Administration

We encourage curious young people, awaken their scientific talent and creativity, and we prove: Science is exciting.

10 Science Olympiads organise workshops, camps, exams and competitions for over 7,000 talented young students in biology, chemistry, geography, informatics, linguistics, mathematics, philosophy, physics, robotics and economics.

We create encounters between young people and scientists. Together, they think, work - and laugh. 


How it works


Phase 1 - The Warm-Up

Attend workshops, prepare individually, and take the first exam.

Phase 2 - The Training

Benefit from expert coaching and specialized camps – prepare for the national final.

Phase 3 - The Competition

All Swiss champions compete against each other - and for the tickets to the International Olympiads.

Phase 4 - The Victory

The best Swiss minds take the spotlight: they represent Switzerland at the International Olympiads around the world.

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How to support us

The organizers of the ten Science Olympiads are around 400 volunteer researchers, students and teachers. Depending on the subject, they come up with tricky examination tasks, evaluate essays, lead laboratory practicals, coach the participants 1:1 or teach at training camps. In this way, they provide talented high school students with insights into academic research and their favorite subject beyond the classroom. 

You too can share your expertise with the next generation of Swiss scientists!

  • Do you teach at the University of Bern and want to inspire the next generation of top students? Contact us. The ten Science Olympiads are always on the lookout for subject-specific experts who are willing to support young talents beyond high school level and give them an insight into current research in their field.
  • Are you studying at university and would like to pass on your enthusiasm for your subject to today's high school students and become part of an exciting network? Find out how to get involved.
  • Is your institute interested in cooperating with one of the ten Science Olympiads (biology, chemistry, geography, computer science, linguistics, mathematics, philosophy, physics, robotics and economics) to organize lectures, workshops or other offers for the curious olympians?  Get in touch.


For questions, comments, registration or other requests: Please feel free to contact our team at the office. We will be happy to assist you. We are a well-rehearsed and interdisciplinary team - the "hub" of the Science Olympiad, so to speak. The office is based at the University of Bern and works closely with the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI).

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