Action plan: Equal Opportunities
In its Strategy 2030, the University of Bern states the following principles: The University is committed to promoting equal opportunities and gender equality among university staff, strives to remove barriers to access and promotes the reconciliation of work and care responsibilities. For the university, the diverse perspectives of university members are an essential component of excellence in research, teaching and administration. As a cross-cutting issue, the promotion of equal opportunities is a management task at all levels. Diversity categories besides gender are physical and mental impairment, age, ethnic origin (language, nationality, skin colour, migration experience, religion), social origin and position, sexual orientation and gender identity.
Gender equality and the promotion of equal opportunities are actively implemented at all levels and by all boards and committees. There is an appropriate proportion of women and men at all levels. It is possible for everyone to reconcile their job with their studies and care obligations. The promotion of gender and diversity research is sustainably embedded within the University.
For the implementation of these goals, the University has, among other things, an Equal Opportunity Action Plan, which has defined numerous measures over four years in the following fields of action:
Action plan spheres of activity
- Embedding equal opportunities and equality between women and men
- Staff selection and promotions
- Promotion of early career female researchers
- Career, Study and Care
- Choice of study and access to study
- Respectful and inclusive study and work environment
- Communication