Procedure final evaluation: Faculty of Theology
1. Planning
Based on their evaluation plan, the faculty's QM determines which courses have to be evaluated in the upcoming semester and informs the lecturers accordingly. In addition, lecturers can have their courses evaluated on a voluntary basis.
In a next step, lecturers plan 2-3 dates for the survey while preparing a course: a date for the survey to conducted, possibly a back-up date, and a date for sharing and discussing the results with the students. Ideally, students will be given about 15 minutes to complete the questionnaires in the beginning of a session. The surveys for final evaluations should be conducted toward the end of the semester (starting week 11 of the semester). For higher response rates, it is strongly recommended to conduct online surveys in the (possibly virtual) presence of the lecturer. This requires an internet connection on site as well as a laptop, tablet or smartphone ("bring your own device").
2. Registration
Once planning is complete, final evaluations can be registered. Information on the registration procedure is available here.
If necessary, the Evaluation Office sends a reminder to the faculty a few days before the registration deadline.
3. Preparing surveys
After successful registration, the Evaluation Office prepares the questionnaires (using the indicated method for data collection) for the final evaluation. At the Faculty of Theology, surveys are normally set up as online surveys with individual links.
4. Information
Once the Evaluation Office has prepared the surveys, lecturers receive an email from the Evaluation Office containing further information regarding the final evaluation.
For online evaluations with individual links, lecturers will be informed about the activation of the survey at the time it is being activated. This email also contains the scheduled closing date of the survey. By default, the surveys are set up so that they are activated the night before the third last session (according to KSL, excluding exam) and close two days before the next session. If the next session happens to be on a Monday, the survey closes on the afternoon of the previous Friday. It is, however, possible to reschedule the closing of the survey at this point. Please use this form to let us know when you would like the survey to close.
At the same time that lecturers are informed of the activation of the survey students receive an invitation email including a one-time access link to the survey.
5. Conducting the survey
In a first step of an online survey lecturers should inform their students about the upcoming evaluation. Students should be made aware of the date of the evaluation and asked to have their tablet, notebook or smartphone ready.
As soon as the survey is activated, the students receive an email with a link to the questionnaire. At the same time, lecturers receive an email informing them about the activation of the survey.
At this point the survey can be conducted. Students should be given a few minutes to fill in the questionnaires in the beginning of the session on the scheduled day.
6. Report
Immediately after the online survey has been closed lecturers receive an automatic summary of the survey results and the students' comments (report) as a PDF file via email. The report contains detailed information about the rating of the results as well as a comparison profile line. The report also indicates the performance level the evaluation result achieved.
With questions about the results or the evaluation itself, lecturers are welcome to contact the Evaluation Office.
If the results raise concerns regarding teaching in higher education, the Educational Development Unit will be happy to assist. Please contact Mr. Roman Suter.
If reports aren't sent out within a day, please get in touch with the Evaluation Office immediately.
7. Sharing results
In order to close the first control loop, the conceptual framework stipulates that results of the survey, the insights and potential improvement measures are shared and discussed with the students before the end of the semester. Lecturers may use the presentation slide on the last page of the report for this purpose.
8. Adjustments
The students' feedback may be an incentive to make certain adjustments to future courses.
9. Follow up
The second control loop specifies that, for courses which ranked as «insufficient» in a final evaluation, a follow-up interim and final evaluation is mandatory the next time they are taught. These measures are implemented by the faculty's QM department, which informs the lecturers in question about further steps.