Scenarios: Proportions of female professors

The illustration below shows scenarios for the development of the proportion of women in professorships at the University of Bern in the coming years. Depending on the proportion of women in new appointments, the proportion of women will change significantly faster or slower. Try it out!

Model information: This is only a model that makes certain assumptions that do not necessarily correspond to real circumstances.

  1. Appointment rate: 39.2 out of 563 positions are filled each year. The ratio is based on the average of new appointments and the total number of professorships over the last 5 years (2018-2022).
  2. The gender ratio of the annual departures corresponds in each case to the gender ratio of the current appointments (no consideration of, e.g., age differences or that the currently employed women presumably have a longer expected duration of employment than the currently employed men).
  3. The number of professorships is assumed to be constant (no new professorships created).

Definition of new professorship: New appointments include full and associate professorships (excluding associate professorships) as well as assistant professorships (with and without tenure track). Promotions are not taken into account. Conversions of assistant professorships with tenure track to associate professorships, on the other hand, are new appointments that are counted.