Sub-strategy 6: Further development of infrastructure

Strategic objective: The University wants its infrastructure to provide the ideal conditions for teaching, research, continuing education and services and is taking steps to ensure that the necessary infrastructure is available as and when required.

Having sufficient infrastructure available in a timely manner is crucial to the success of the University’s development across all areas.

In terms of location, the University of Bern is focused on the Länggass district and the Insel Hospital area. First and foremost, the University ensures that its existing buildings are used efficiently, due in part to lessons learned from the digital transformation. This also includes making optimal use of the potential offered by existing buildings. The University’s second priority is to manage its building infrastructure in a proactive and sustainable way (such as by ensuring obstacle-free accessibility and achieving CO2 neutrality).

This building infrastructure must be provided as quickly and responsively as possible. The University relies on the support of its capable and solution-oriented partners at the Canton of Bern.

To ensure that it can fulfill its performance mandate in the long term, the University of Bern strives for greater autonomy in the areas of infrastructure and property management while taking into consideration the framework conditions and responsibilities of the sponsoring canton.