Access Arrangements

Students with disabilities or chronic illnesses have a right to Access Arrangements. An application must be submitted to the responsible office well in advance and requires some preparation. Students with disabilities or chronic illnesses are free to choose and pursue any study subject (admission requirements apply). However, it is important to clarify the modalities before starting your studies.

Access Arrangements means the proportionate adjustment of study and examination conditions that are necessary to compensate for disadvantages caused by disabilities or chronic illnesses. The learning objectives themselves must not be changed. Possible adaptations are an extension of time, additional breaks, use of assistance e.g.

The conditions for Access Arrangements are the existence of a disability or chronic illness diagnosed and confirmed by a specialist, due to which demonstrable disadvantages arise for the study, but the student is basically able to achieve the required learning objectives. To compensate for the resulting disadvantages, a request for Access Arrangements can be submitted. The faculties or institutes are responsible for the decision.

  1. Contact the responsible person of your faculty or institute, the student advisory service or the service office for equal opportunities of the University of Bern.
  2. Prepare an application with an existing medical certificate. The individual adjustment measures are requested in the application.
  3. For information on the form of the application, contact the responsible person of your faculty or institute.
  4. The earlier lecturers are informed, the more flexibly individual needs can be addressed.
  5. You will receive a written decision and the further procedure from the faculty or institute.

Students with disabilities or chronic illnesses may apply for Access Arrangements if examinations and assessments cannot be completed in the manner prescribed. Note the following:

  • The request must be received by the Examination Committee at least 3 month in advance of the performance assessments. Requests cannot be processed without a medical certificate.
  • Seek advice from the student advisory as to what the examination modification might look like.
  • Formulate suggestions already, since you yourself know best what limitations exist and how they can be compensated.
  • A medical certificate must be submitted to the Examination Committee in the event of an examination withdrawal due to illness.
  • If illness-related complaints occur acutely during the assessment or examination, draw the examiner's attention to this immediately. The examination must be interrupted. Afterwards, a doctor must be consulted immediately, and a medical certificate must be submitted to the Examination Committee.
  • Extension of the examination time
  • Individual breaks that are not counted towards the examination time
  • Separate quiet room
  • Aids such as laptop, special software
  • Extension of deadlines for submission of seminar papers and final papers
  • Change of examination form (e.g., oral instead of written examinations or vice versa)
  • Reservation of a suitable place
  • Examination documents in adapted digital format
  • Extension of study time
  • Simplified resumption of studies after interruption
  • Technical aids
  • Notetaker or assistance
  • Early access to study materials
  • Study materials in adapted digital format
  • Reservation of a suitable seat at events

Faculty of Theology

Contact : Nadja Bucheli

Faculty of Law

Contact : Babette Valerie Schweizer

Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences

Contact : Kathrin Balmer

Faculty of Medicine

Contact : Claudia Buser

Vetsuisse Faculty

Contact : Dr. med. vet. Brigitte Hentrich

Faculty of Humanities

Contact : Tanisha Pandey

Faculty of Human Sciences

Institute of Psychology: Contact Simon Weber

Institute of Educational Science: David Glauser

Institute of Sport Science: Doris Kern

Faculty of Science

Contact : head of the study programme