Action week against racism at the University of Bern

The Office for Equal Opportunities of the University of Bern is organising two events as part of the 14th Action Week against Racism.

15 March / Lecture and panel discussion

Racism-sensitive university

This year, the Office for Equal Opportunities has invited Prof. Dr. Karim Fereidooni to deliver a guest lecture. His research focuses on racism and education. In his lecture titled "Anti-racism : What do I need to know? What can I do? What can my university do?" he will provide important impulses for shaping diversity, inclusion and participation at the individual and the institutional level. This will be followed by a panel discussion including Prof Dr. Fereidooni, Prof. Dr. Ole Seehausen (UniBe) and India James-Licher (Students of the African Diaspora). The discussion will be moderated by Hannan Salamat (Zürcher Institut für interreligiösen Dialog).

19 March / Dialogue

Living Library with people affected by racism

Enter a library with living books: racialized people talk about their experiences of discrimination in table discussions and invite you to join a conversation. There will be various inputs for self-reflection and you will be provided with concrete tips for anti-racist behavior in everyday life. Cooperation partner: SCI Switzerland Living Library