Organization Executive Board and Central Administration

Executive Board and Central Administration

Vice-Rectorate Quality and Sustainable Development

The Vice-Rectorate Quality supports members of the University in

  • promoting equal opportunities,
  • implementing sustainable development measures,
  • quality assurance and development.


Engaged UniBE

Ende März fand das erste Treffen der Arbeitsgruppe «Engaged University» statt. Vertreter*innen der Fakultäten, der Zentren, der Stände und des Zentralbereichs entwickeln gemeinsam mit dem Vizerektorat Qualität und Nachhaltige Entwicklung (VRQ) das Konzept einer Engaged UniBE, das den Schwerpunkt auf die Weiterentwicklung der Nachhaltigen Entwicklung an der Universität Bern legt.


Neue Leiterin Abt. QSE

Die Abteilung Qualitätssicherung und -entwicklung im Vizerektorat Qualität und Nachhaltige Entwicklung heisst Rana Öztürk, MBA als Abteilungsleiterin herzlich willkommen. Dr. Claudia Saalfrank übernimmt die Stabsfunktion im Vizerektorat Qualität und Nachhaltige Entwicklung und wird sich in Zukunft mit strategischen Projekten in den Themenbereichen Nachhaltige Entwicklung, Chancengleichheit und Qualitätssicherung und -entwicklung befassen.



The former Vice-Rectorate Quality has been renamed to Vice-Rectorate Quality and Sustainable Development! With this change, we underscore the importance of the University of Bern`s commitment to sustainable development. We understand sustainable development in a broad sense to include ecological, social and economic goals. Higher education institutions like the Universität Bern play an important role in advancing the transformation of society through our engagement in knowledge creation, teaching and outreach. We strive for gender equality, diversity and inclusion. We actively reduce our carbon footprint. We implement a quality assessment and development culture to ensure excellence.

Equal Opportunities

The Office for Equal Opportunities advises and supports those specifically responsible as well as all members of the university. It also offers a range of services for employees and students.

To Equal Opportunities

Sustainable Development

The Coordination Office for Sustainable Development supports the integration of the cross-cutting issue of sustainability into all areas of the university (teaching, research, continuing education, public relations and operations) by encouraging, supporting and linking sustainability activities in these areas.

To sustainability

Quality assurance and development

The Office for Quality Assurance and Development (QAD Office) supports members of the university with quality assurance and development (QAD), promotes the quality culture and assists in the development and implementation of QAD measures. The Teaching Evaluation Office supports lecturers and faculties in conducting course evaluations. It offers assistance in designing surveys and helps to implement them. It is responsible for providing evaluations of the surveys to lecturers in a timely manner and for making reports to the faculties and the Executive Board of the University of Bern.

To QAD Office

University preparation for refugee students

The Coordination Office for University Preparation for Refugee Students advises and supports refugees interested in admission to a degree program at the University of Bern. With the project Compass UniBE, it offers a university preparation year.

To university preparation



Office for Quality Assurance and Development

Office for Gender Equality

Office for Sustainable Development

Coordination Office University Preparation for Refugee Students