Publication of Videos

When publishing your videos, you should consider which audience you want to reach with your video, whether it should be publicly accessible and whether access should be restricted. The following list is not exhaustive but intended to show the degree of publicity of your publication.


ILIAS written in white on a red background.

ILIAS is the central learning platform of the University of Bern and offers, among other things, the opportunity to publish videos in password-protected areas (e.g., at the course level) with the object "Video (Opencast Series)". These can be offered as "streaming only" or as downloadable versions. The data is hosted on servers at the University of Bern.


SWITCH written in white on a red background.

SWITCHtube is a video portal operated by SWITCH. It allows individual (access via link) or institutional (e.g. only members of the University of Berne) access restrictions. In addition, videos may also be published at full length and embedded in the website of the University of Berne. The upload limit per video is set to 10 GB. The platform is ad-free, and the data is stored in the Swiss university network.


YouTube logo in white on a red background.

YouTube is the best-known public video portal and therefore reaches the largest international audience. The videos can be easily embedded in other websites. The upload limit is set to 256 GB per video. The use of YouTube is free of charge, but the displayed advertising can only be influenced to a certain extent. The University of Bern operates its own channel on Youtube.