University energy supply

On this website you will find the latest information from the University of Bern concerning energy supply.

The University Executive Board recommends paying close attention to reducing energy consumption and considers the following points to be important:

  • Be more conscious of energy consumption.
  • Compensate for individual needs by wearing warmer clothing indoors on cold days.
  • Set the thermostats on radiators to the lower limit of comfort and do not set them above level 4, which normally corresponds to a temperature of 23°C.
  • Do not ventilate all the time! Only air out offices and classrooms for short periods (intermittent ventilation).
  • Shut down PCs when not in use, turn off lights, etc.
  • Activate energy-saving mode for electronic devices. Shut off devices wherever possible, especially at night and over the weekend, and avoid wasting energy in standby mode. 
  • Optimize the operation and use of machines and equipment, for example in workshops and laboratories.
  • Avoid taking the elevator whenever possible and use the stairs.