Endowed professorship for palliative medicine
The University of Bern has appointed Bernese palliative doctor Steffen Eychmüller to the new endowed professorship in Palliative Care. Initial funding for the professorship amounting to three million Swiss francs is being provided by the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences (SAMS) and Helsana.
The endowed professorship is intended to contribute to sustainably developing the skills and infrastructure of palliative research in Switzerland and provide a better foundation for palliative medicine in academic teaching, research and clinics. With the endowed professorship, the existing center at Bern University Hospital is set to play an important and independent role in research and teaching in Palliative Care. Hermann Amstad, General Secretary of the SAMS, is confident: "Research can play a decisive role in establishing Palliative Care in Switzerland". He is also hoping for greater international visibility: "Three million francs worth of funding should be the boost we need to place Switzerland on the international stage when it comes to palliative research and attracting talented young academics". Health and accident insurance company Helsana believes it is important to support aspiring young academics in teaching as well: "Palliative Care should be given adequate space in research and teaching and help ensure that people have a good quality of life in the last phase of their lives thanks to personalized and professional care", says Helsana CEO Daniel H. Schmutz.