Collegium generale
The role of the Collegium generale is to promote cross-disciplinary dialog within the university through courses for teaching staff and students and to communicate examples of this work to members of all faculties and the wider public by means of publications and lecture series.
Each series of lectures provides information about interdisciplinary issues and the status of research within Bern as well as at home and abroad. Lectures are held in the spring and fall semesters and delivered by lecturers from both within and outside the university. On providing proof of their attendance at the lecture series, students, whose plan of studies permits this, are credited with 3 credit points as free credits.
The literary readings of the Collegium generale provide insights into the sensitivities of our culture and society. Unlike the Collegium generale conferences (e.g. Münchenwiler seminar) these events are also open to interested members of the public outside the university, who may attend free of charge.
Collegium generale publications appear in the Bern University Papers series.