
The evaluation of proposals follows the dual control principle, i.e., at least two people read each application.

A committee of intermediate staff assesses the applications on behalf of the Commission for the Promotion of Early Career Researchers of the University of Bern, who makes the final decision.

The committee strives for a composition of intermediate staff from a broad range of fields, with and without a PhD. The committee is appointed by the Intermediate Staff Association of the University of Bern.

The Committee:

  • Dr. Gracia Brückmann, Institute of Political Science, Head
  • PD Dr. phil.-nat. Monica Schaller Tschan, Graduate School for Cellular and Biomedical Sciences
  • MLaw Christoph Ammon, Institute for Penal Law and Criminology
  • M.Sc. Korollus Melek, Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine
  • M.Sc. Danièle Gubler, Institute of Psychology
  • Dr. Stephanie Talker, Institute of Virology and Immunology
  • M. Sc. Gaudenz Welti, Institute of Educational Science
  • M.Th. Anna Lerch VDM, Institute of Historical Theology