Faculties and Institutes
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Faculties and Institutes
Faculty of Theology
Faculty of Theology
Homepage FacultyInstitutes
- Institute of Old Testament Studies
- Institute for New Testament Studies
- Institute of Jewish Studies
- Institute of Historical Theology
- Institute of Systematic Theology
- Institute of Practical Theology
- Institute of Empirical Religious Research
- Institute of Old Catholic Theology
Centre for Competence in Liturgy
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Law
Homepage FacultyDepartment of Legal Theory and History of Law
Department of Public Law
Department of Private Law
- Institute of Banking Law
- Institute for Private International Law and Civil Procedure
- Institute for Liability and Insurance Law
- Institute of Notary Law and Practice
- Institute for Civil Law
Department of Penal Law
Department of Economic Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences
Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences
Homepage FacultyDepartment of Business Administration
- Institute of Financial Management
- Institute of Marketing and Management
- Institute of Organization and Human Resource Management
- Institute for Accounting and Controlling
- Institute of Information Systems
Department of Economics
Department of Social Sciences
- Institute of Sociology
- Institute of Communication and Media Studies (icmb)
- Institute of Political Science
Competence Centers
Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine
Homepage FacultyAll Organizational Units
University Institutes
- Institute of Primary Health Care (BIHAM)
- Department of Clinical Research (DCR)
- Department for BioMedical Research (DBMR)
- Department of Forensic Psychiatry
- Institute of Anatomy
- Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine (IBMM)
- Institute of Tissue Medicine and Pathology (IGMP)
- Institute for Infectious Diseases (IFIK)
- Institute of Complementary and Integrative Medicine (IKIM)
- Institute for the History of Medicine (IMG)
- Institute for Medical Education (IML)
- Institute of Pharmacology (PKI)
- Department of Physiology
- Institute of Forensic Medicine (IRM)
- Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM)
- Theodor Kocher Institute (TKI)
University Clinics Inselspital
University Clinics UPD
- University Hospital of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
- University Hospital of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
- University Hospital of Old Age Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Institute of Dental Medicine
University Centers
- ARTORG Center for Biomedical Engineering Research
- Bern Center for Precision Medicine (BCPM)
- Microscopy Imaging Center (MIC)
- Multidisciplinary Center for Infectious Diseases (MCID)
Faculty Centers
- Swiss Institute for Translational and Entrepreneurial Medicine (sitem-insel)
- Center for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (CAIM)
Research Platforms, Clusters and Networks
Core Facilities
Vetsuisse Faculty
Vetsuisse Faculty
Homepage FacultyDepartment of Clinical Veterinary Science
- Small Animal Clinic
- Equine Clinic
- Farm Animal Clinic
- Clinical Anesthesiology
- Clinical Dermatology
- Clinical Laboratory
- Clinical Neurology
- Clinical Radiology
Department of Infectious Diseases and Pathobiology (DIP)
- Institute for Fish and Wildlife Health
- Institute of Parasitology
- Institute of Animal Pathology
- Institute of Virology and Immunology
- Institute of Veterinary Bacteriology
Department of Clinical Research and Veterinary Public Health (DCR-VPH)
- Division of Neurological Sciences
- Division of Veterinary Anatomy
- Division of Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology
- Veterinary Physiology
- Veterinary Public Health Institute
- Institute of Bee Health
- Institute of Genetics
Faculty-wide structures
Strategic centers
Core Facilities
Faculty of Humanities
Faculty of Humanities
Homepage FacultyDepartment of History and Archaeology
Department of Art and Cultural Sciences
- Institute of Art History
- The Institute of Musicology
- Institute of Philosophy
- Institute for the Science of Religion
- Institute of Social Anthropology
- Institute of Theatre Studies
Department of Linguistics and Literary Studies
- Department of English
- Institute of French Language and Literature
- Institute of Germanic Languages and Literatures
- Institute of Italian Language and Literature
- Institute of Classical Philology
- Institute of Slavic Languages and Literatures
- Department of Spanish Language and Literature
- Department of Linguistics
Walter Benjamin Kolleg
- Center for Global Studies (CGS)
- Center for the Study of Language and Society (CSLS)
- Digital Humanities
- Research forum
- Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Research Network (IPN)
- Graduate School of the Arts and Humanities (GSAH)
Interdisciplinary Unities
Faculty of Human Sciences
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Science
Homepage FacultyMathematics, Statistics and Informatics
- Mathematical Institute
- Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Actuarial Science
- Department of Mathematics and Statistics
- Institute of Computer Science
Physics and Astronomy
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Astronomical Institute
- Institute of Applied Physics
- Institute for Theoretical Physics
- Physics Institute
Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmacy
- Institute of Cell Biology
- Institute of Ecology and Evolution
- Institute of Plant Sciences
- Interfaculty Bioinformatics Unit
Centers of Competence
Other Institutes
Centers and interfaculty units
Centers and interfaculty units
Strategic centers
- Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics (AEC)
- ARTORG Center for Biomedical Engineering Research
- Bern Center for Precision Medicine (BCPM)
- Center for Regional Economic Development (CRED)
- Center for Space and Habitability (CSH)
- Centre for Development & Environment (CDE)
- KPM Center for Public Management
- Multidisciplinary Center for Infectious Diseases (MCID)
- Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research (OCCR)
- World Trade Institute (WTI)
Centers with specialized roles
Interfaculty units
Graduate Schools
Graduate Schools
- Graduate School of the Arts and Humanities (GSAH)
- Graduate School for Cellular and Biomedical Sciences (GCB)
- Graduate School of Climate Sciences
- Graduate School Gender Studies
- Graduate School for Health Sciences (GHS)
- International Graduate School North-South (IGS North-South)
- Graduate School of Economic Globalisation and Integration at the World Trade Institute