Prix Lux 2019

Student body of the University of Bern (Studierendenschaft der Universität Bern, SUB)

The Prix Lux 2019 goes to the student body of the University of Bern (SUB). Since the 1980s, the SUB has dedicated a separate department to gender equality. The commitment to equal opportunities and diversity has steadily increased since then and covers a very broad spectrum. In addition to classic equality measures such as the "womentoring" mentoring programme for female students, the SUB also promotes a broader commitment to equal opportunities through various activities, including participation in the Action Week against Racism or the project "offener Hörsaal". The versatility of its commitment, the consistency of its efforts despite frequent personnel changes, and the courage to tackle even the most sensitive issues convinced the Prix Lux jury to choose SUB as the winner of the Prix Lux 2019.

Gruppenbild Gewinnerinnen Prix Lux mit Rektor und Vizerektorin
Rektor Leumann übergibt Prix Lux