Prix Lux 2017

"Women in Philosophy Bern"

In 2017 the "Women in Philosophy Bern" were selected as first prize winners of the Prix Lux. The initiative of this group of university members aims to improve the networking and visibility of women in philosophy, to support female philosophers in their careers and to raise awareness of the disadvantages of women in philosophy or the academy in general. Shortly before the award ceremony, the group founded the "Society for Women in Philosophy Switzerland" for the purpose of national networking of women, education and support work.

The "Women in Philosophy" were elected by the jury out of 25 nominations. The applications showed the diversity of the university's gender equality work: In addition to applications from more classic equality areas such as the compatibility of family and career, there were also various applications that went beyond this and promoted diversity.

SWIP Universität Bern
SWIP Universität Bern