
© André Maurer Photography

The Feldenkrais method teaches the conscious experiencing of movement and patterns of movement. Feldenkrais is not just pushing muscles around, but changing things in the brain itself. (Karl Pribram, neurophysiologist)

It allows participants to perceive differences between effort and lightness, tension and release as well as restriction and freedom from limits. The exercises can be performed at their own pace and level, tailored to their physical and mental state.

After each session participants should enjoy a feeling of lightness. Improving physical and mental well-being will help them cope better with stress.

See below for comments about personal experiences after Feldenkrais training:

  • I always had a painful knee, but after 10 sessions my discomfort vanished.
  • I noticed that I tensed up totally when cleaning my teeth.
  • In the past good posture was an effort for me, now it's a need.
  • Since doing Feldenkrais, I'm much more aware of wasting effort in my daily life or when doing sport.
  • After doing Feldenkrais I always feel much calmer, stronger and full of energy.
  • Since then practicing (a musical instrument) has become far easier.
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