Carte Blanche Franz Andres Morrissey

Carte Blanche

Franz Andres Morrissey: Mr. Sandman – The Corona Lecturer’s Anti-Lullaby

Wie gehen Dozierende mit ihrem neuen Alltag in Covid-19 Zeiten um? Franz Andres Morrissey beantwortet diese Frage mit einer Adaption von «Mr Sandman», und besingt, wie sich der Alltag der Dozierenden durch Online-Unterricht infolge von Covid-19 verändert hat.

Dr. Franz Andres Morrissey ist Dozent am Institut für englische Sprachen und Literaturen, tätig in der LehrerInnen-Fortbildung im Bereich Creative Writing und Music in the Language Class Room, Esperto für Englisch im Kanton Tessin, aktiver Musiker, Autor mehrerer Märchenmusicals und humanistischer Aktivist.

Mr. Sandman (The Corona Lecturer’s Anti-Lullaby)

Mr. Sandman, for goodness sake,

Don’t come to me, I  must stay awake:

I really need to finish the podcast for this lecture

Not much of it makes sense and most of that’s conjecture.

Sandman, I can’t have you interlopin’

Till I’ve saved this thing, my eyes need to stay open;

Got the Camtasia-Trips-Me-Up-Again Blues

And I really can’t afford to snooze.


Mr. Sandman, don’t come tonight,

I need to write a conclusion that’s smart and watertight,

And when I’m done – I know it sounds daft –

It’ll feel like having written the twenty-seventh draft.

Sandman, I’m so alone,

I’ve typed my fingers down to the bone.

We should be publishing now, no ifs and buts,

But these four damn walls are driving me nuts.


Mr. Sandman, have you got my number?

I am really desp’rate for a bit of light slumber,

For hours I’ve been lying sleepless in my bed

Computer screens still dancing round in my head

Sandman, tomorrow will be, oh brother,

A relentless string of zoom meetings chasing each other

I see faces in small squares when I count sheep

So Mr. Sandman, let me have some,

Sandman, gotta bring me some,

Sandman I really need some sleep!

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