Advisory Services Career Service

Work experience

Work experience is shown in a similar way to education, in chronological order, beginning with the most recent. Provide details of your work experience in two columns. In the left-hand column, show the period of work, using figures to denote the months and years (e.g. 05/2012 - 03/2013); in the right-hand column, give details of the relevant work experience. Work experience also includes internships and part-time work that you may have done on an ad hoc basis (e.g. whilst studying). Specify the following information:

  • name and location of the company/institution and the department in which you worked.
  • Your position in the company (job title, specifying the job percentage)
  • Describes your responsibilities/role. Use a separate line for each responsibility. List those responsibilities first that are particularly relevant for the job for which you are applying. Give a relatively detailed description of these. 

You must specify the successes you achieved in your work. Make your statements factually accurate and specific (e.g. personnel responsibility for a particular group of employees, budget planning for the department, provision of reports to management, etc.).