Advisory Services Welcome Center


Along with trams and buses, cycling is one of the most popular and fastest means of transport in the city. Free bicycle parking spaces can be found virtually everywhere. Bicycle stations, such as that at the train station or on campus (von Roll), offer additional parking facilities (subject to a fee) and repair services. 

The city of Berne promotes sustainable transport and encourages more people to cycle with concrete measures such as the bike sharing programme ‘Publibike’.

Bicycles can be found for reasonable prices on bicycle fairs in spring and autumn.


Ansicht eines Fahrrads
© Universität Bern, Kommunikation & Marketing

Cycling in Bern

Bike Sharing (French, German, English, Italian)
Parking and repair (in German only)
Velohauptstadt Bern (in German only)
Verein zur Förderung des Veloverkehrs (German only)